The Scorpion King 2 (2008) Movie Review

The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior (2008) IMDB AMZN

The Scorpion King 2 movie poster

The Scorpion King 2 is a prequel to the first Scorpion King movie showing how Mathayus, originally played by Dwayne Johnson (The Rock), became who he was. It is also as noted on IMDB:

This film is a prequel to a prequel of a sequel of a remake. That is, it is the prequel to The Scorpion King (2002), which is a prequel to The Mummy Returns (2001), which is a sequel to The Mummy (1999) which can be considered as a loose remake of The Mummy (1932).

So there is that. But there is no Dwayne Johnson in this movie. We do get a former wrestling/UFC star with Randy Couture though. Overall this is not a very good movie. The acting is sub-par and the story is just ok. The movie centers around a quest to retrieve the sword of Damocles that is found in the underworld so Mathayus can avenge the death of his father. While completing this quest they enter a labyrinth and must defeat the minotaur. Should I have said spoiler ? Other things happen, more quest, there is fighting, blah blah blah, bad acting, skip it.

I give it a 4/10.