So What Do You Think of Mazes as Art ?

I stumbled upon this article by 538: Americans Disagree On The Definition Of Art. If you don’t want to read it (but you should), here is a summary with some commentary.

  • Americans disagree about Art ? Americans disagree about everything. That’s all my commentary.

  • The post was written based off of a YouGov poll. According to the poll 49% of people considered themselves at least somewhat artistic. Really ? And 85% of them think they are above average drivers. What can a somewhat artistic person make ?

  • In general Americans do not think Modern art is art. A majority of Americans think they can replicate some specific modern works of art, and that means it isn’t art to them.

That brings me to the purpose of this website. Is there such a thing as maze art ? I think there is and one day would like to open a maze museum. I used Starryai to create some possible photos of it, here is one example of what it might look like:

photo of a maze art museum

What I do have a problem with is defining it. Here are my 4 possible definitions from my blog on how to make maze art.

Maze Art - A solvable maze of a subject that is good enough that someone would consider hanging it on the wall as an art piece.

Maze Art - A piece of art that just so happens to contain a solvable maze.

Maze Art - A solvable maze made to look like something that is not a maze, like an object/thing/person/place/landscape.

Maze Art - A solvable maze made to look aesthetically pleasing or interesting and not just to be solved.

What do you think the definition of maze art is ?

Back to the original article. Do readers think they can maze the mazes I make ? I think some of you certainly can. And if you do reach out ! I love to be inspired.

Happy maze-ing !