5 Unbelievably Bad Maze Movies to Never, Ever Watch

So many movies involve mazes as part of the plot. I have reviewed over 80 of them on this site. These are the worst of them. Movies that you should not watch under any circumstances. If an enemy of yours asks for a recommendation for a movie suggest one of these. Tell them it starts out slow but really gets good at the end. They’ll think you are crazy but what do you care, they are your enemy.

Now, I should mention that a few of these movies have good posters or interesting stories from a concept perspective. But, whether it’s the bad acting, the plot, the lack of plot, the cheap production or just general poor directing each of these is terrrrrrrrrrrrriible. DO NOT WATCH THEM. I will allow you to watch a trailer for them but stop there !!!

To find more horrible maze movie I have made a Google Sheet that is sortable by many things, including IMDB score.

The 5 maze movies you should never, ever watch:

#5 Cube 2 : Hypercube (2002) IMDB Prime

While Cube makes my top 10 best horror movie list, and Cube Zero is worth watching, this middle portion of the trilogy is trash. Even though the Japanese remake of Cube is boring at least it has a small fun twist and is watchable (if you can find it).

Cube 2 Hypercube movie poster


A movie starring Tom Hardy fighting a Minotaur in a labyrinth seems like a good concept. The poster looks ominous. The movie is laboring and boring. Anything else I write would be too much for this stinker.

Minotaur movie poster

#3 ANDRON (2015) (IMDB) (AMAZON)

It has so much wasted potential and ‘stars’ Alec Baldwin. But it’s terrible. With bad effects, numerous plot holes, bad acting and really no character that you want to cheer for or against. The bad guys go down like Storm troopers in outfits made by your aunties crafting group. The special effects give special a bad name. Go to the dentist instead. I do like the poster though. Props for the poster.

Andron movie poster

#2 THE MAZE (2010) (IMDB) (AMAZON)

You know how sometimes you notice that a movie is low budget ? Well this movie tries to hide that fact by taking place primarily in a corn field , and yet you still notice it’s low budget. The acting, plot, and ‘twist’ ending you will see coming all make this a never watch film. The trailer isn’t even very good….

The Maze 2010 movie poster

Before we get to #1 here are some movies that just missed the terrible list:

Amazingly, none of them have an IMDB rating above 4.5 which is a very low bar. Dungeons and Dragons, The Man in the Maze, Shock Labyrinth, The Turning, Escape Room, and 400 Days.


Cool Poster. It is difficult to make a movie. But I wonder how many high school students could make a better movie than this for a class project. I could not make a better movie, I admit, but wow this is bad. The trailer is almost unwatchable. See if you can make it through all 2 minutes of the trailer. Then imagine 88 minutes of that except worse because those 2 minutes are supposed to get you excited for the other 86.

Haunted Maze movie poster

I found a few of these movies streaming for free online. And if you want to see where that is you can do a search on justwatch. I could have included the links here, but please take my advice and skip these !

I suggest you cleanse the palate and there are some great maze movies, like Ready Player One, Inception, The Shining and Prisoners to name a few. If you only watched maze and labyrinth movies for a few days you would be very entertained.