The Basement (2008) Movie Review

The Basement (2008) IMDB AMZN

The Basement (2008) movie poster

This is a short film, a total of 29 minutes long and it takes place in a hotel where 2 employees check out the basement of the hotel. It is described as labyrinth-like because there are many hidden corners, rooms and hallways and it is easy to get lost - a perfect setting for a horror film. It’s also very dark. Is there a phantom down there ? Better check it out.

When I read the IMDB page for this film I was hoping it would tell me the budget for the film. I would guess it was shot for $240 and a bucket of KFC. Just a guess. The question I want to know is - did it make back that in revenue ? I streamed it on tubitv for free, but I wonder if anyone has ever rented this movie on another site like Amazon for $0.99 ? And if so could it be one of those films that becomes profitable sometime in 2027 from streaming.

I give it a 2.7/10.

I could not find a trailer for the movie to post here, lucky for you !

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