Haunt (2019) Movie Review

Haunt (2019) IMDB Prime

Haunt movie poster

I like good old fashioned slasher flic now and then, and that is exactly what this is. The concept is a group of friends who get sidetracked down a country road to a haunted house. Of course the haunted house is run by actual crazies because this is a horror film. And while there is nothing groundbreaking here, the story that is told is done well and is believable. We have kids being chased by guys in evil clown masks and we all hate clowns am I right ? Yes or yes ?

As far as the maze goes, well this is a haunted house with winding paths and choices along the way which they speak about needing to escape from. They even call it a maze at one point. If you like horror, this is for you. You even get a glimpse of this in the closing credits with a diagram of the haunted house !!!

Haunt (2019) movie map of the maze

I give it a 6.5/10.