Cube Zero (2004) Movie Review

Cube Zero (2004) IMDB Prime

Cube Zero movie poster

I have previously reviewed the movie Cube which I enjoyed. The Cube concept is interesting and it starts out with a group of people waking up and don’t know where or why they are where they are. They end up being in an intersecting maze of cube rooms, each with it’s own particular booby trap that can kill them. Their goal is to survive and escape. This movie, Cube Zero, is the third in the trilogy.

The second movie in the trilogy is not reviewed on this site so I will do it now as a public service message.

Cube 2 : Hypercube (2002) IMDB Prime

Cube 2 Hypercube movie poster

It is terrible. Avoid. 3.6/10.

Okay now that I wasted our time on that back to our main movie, Cube Zero. What I like about this movie is that as they tell the story we learn the who and the why of people coming to be in the Cube. We also have a storyline that looks at the perspective of the workers who are managing the maze on a day to day basis. We get insight of what they think about the situation and how the Cube is monitoring the participants. They speak about the morals of what they are doing, which eventually leads to one of the workers entering the Cube to help save a person they think is there incorrectly.

If you found yourself watching the original movie and having a lot of questions, many of them are answered in this movie, but you’ll need to watch it yourself so this can be a spoiler free review.

I was entertained. I give it a 6.0/10.

Check out the trailer below.

Oh, Hi there. This movie has been out awhile, and that means you can usually find it streaming for free, like on YouTube, available through this link.

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