400 Days (2015) Movie Review

400 Days (2015) IMDB AMZN

400 Days movie poster

Do you remember the movie with Pauly Shore from 1996 starring Pauly Shore called Bio-Dome ? Pauly and his friend get stuck in a long term science experiment that they can’t leave for a year. This movie has a similar concept but more Sci-Fi based, with 4 astronauts locked in a 400 day simulation of travel to another planet to test their psyche. One day things go awry and weird stuff starts happening. Is it part of the simulation and a test ? The movie watcher and the crew are trying to figure it out.

During an episode one of the crewmembers locks himself in a room where he has appears to have a drawn a maze on the walls that he is now solving. He is not in his right mind (offensive for us maze lovers no ?). Here is a look at the scene:

400 Days movie maze scene

If you like sci-fi you have a better chance to like this film, but you will be wanting more (answers, better acting, better bad guys)

I give it a 5/10.