World Record Hand Drawn Maze - 1,500 Feet long

If you are a maze lover you will love this story.

If you love to solve mazes this maze might be a bit intimidating.

If you are a maze maker you will really appreciate how much work this is to make.

If you are a record holder of anything, you understand the dedication and time that doing something like this takes.

In case you missed it, the world record for longest hand drawn maze (at around 1,500 ft long) was recently broken by Michigan based artist Michelle Boggess-Nunley. To read about the maze which took about 300 hours to make, her life, and her mazes check out this article which includes a nice long interview.

To find her artwork, check out her website where you can buy maze prints and downloads. She also has some really nice non-maze artwork available.

Why not get deep into the rabbit hole with a video about the making of the record maze:

And you can even watch some of the previous record holders. Here is a video of Eric Eckert making the previous maze that measured 1,072.08 square feet ! You can read about his maze making in the linked article.

And records are made to be broken. Before Eric then record was held by Joe Wos (his maze was 4ft x 30ft). Here is an article about that maze. Joe currently runs MazeToons, his website dedicated to maze cartoons. Here is his video:

Would you like to be a part of this blog post ? “Just” break the record and I’ll add you. Good luck !