The Maze (1953) Movie Review

The Maze (1953) IMDB Prime Video

The Maze (1953) movie poster

When we discuss maze movies we have to include The Maze from 1953 for 2 main reasons: 1) The title is The Maze so it definitely qualifies 2) The movie starts with shots of the hedge maze that is central to the entire story. That story is of a Scotsman who moves into a castle that has an adjoining hedge maze. There is only one rule for the maze - do not enter it. Which means of course you are going to enter it. I’m sure everything will be fine…right ? I mean the rule was just meant to be a recommendation.

You can give it a watch at the link below. And from a historical note, the very first 3D color movie came out April 10, 1953 from Vincent Price, The House of Wax. This film followed shortly after in 3D in July of the same year.