Maze Website Review: maze4u

Sometimes you stumble upon a website that should be shared. Today I am going to review the website maze4u. I previously looked at the top Google search results for online maze generation websites and reviewed them in 8 different categories. Maze4u became a late bonus add after the original post was completed. Why add another website ? Well because it does something things better than others that I want to share with you. So what is it ?

1 - Onscreen solving - the maze generator includes a conversion of your cursor into a pencil when in the maze area. This allows you to hold down your mouse button and draw on the maze, solving it on the screen !! Personally I think this would be a wonderful site for children that love mazes (but I like it to). You may also change the color of your pencil (check out the rainbow option!) or use an emoji as your solving cursor. Here is an Isometric maze being solved with an orange pencil:

maze4u on screen maze solving example

2- More Interesting Preset Styles - At the time of this writing there are 33 preset styles to choose from that are more interesting and fun than other websites give you. Rail, Jigsaw, and Isometric 3-D are three of my favorites. Here are the Rail and Jigsaw options:

maze4u maze making examples of Railroad and Jigsaw patterns

3- Reset button - The button to generate a new maze means you can solve a maze, generate a new one and solve a new one right away ! No printing needed, it’s all done on screen. Perfect for kids.

Those are the 3 things that I think set this site apart. Here is the original review from the maze generator post with a few examples:

BONUS site: : maze4u

Shapes: 33+ : 33 different styles of maze are currently available to be generated, plus a Create button that allows additional options

Cell types:: Many. The 33 shapes include some unique inner cell shapes that are best explored on your own !!

Width and Height: Varies, but you do not control the output size for the 33 styles generated. However, under the Create button you can control the X and Y to create a maze in the size you want.

Start: Pre-defined in Style mazes

End: Pre-defined in Style mazes, internal or external in the Create section

Solution generated: No

Downloads available: Mazes are both shareable and Printable

Examples: 2 of the 33 styles are shown below (Rail and Jigsaw examples used above). Jigsaw, and Corn mazes.

maze4u maze exmples of jigsaw and corn maze patterns

So if you have some time check the site out, I think you will enjoy it !