Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) Movie Review

Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) IMDB Amazon

Hellbound Hellraiser II movie poster

Hellraiser is a horror franchise that has over a dozen movies to its credit. Most of the films went straight to video and are poorly reviewed. But this sequel to the original horror classic Hellraiser was released in theaters.

The first thing we need to discuss. How many horror films do you know that revolve around an evil mattress ? One. This one. And that leads to someone coming back from another dimension through the mattress (with the minor inconvenience of not having any skin). In order to regenerate some skin they feed on mentally ill patients (high vitamin D maybe ?). And then the real fun starts, because halfway thru the movie the characters open the gateway to hell ( they are hell-bound just like the title!)

So what does hell look like ? Is it fire and brimstone ? No, it is more of a huge stone maze with a a bit of an MC Escher feel to it. It also looks a bit cold and damp. I mean we get some fire later…but just overall felling is dark and dingy like the basement of a house you don’t want to live in. Here is a look:

Hellraiser 2 Maze scene

Looks pretty cool. Unfortunately this movie is poorly written and acted. I give it a 5/10.