Flowers for Algernon (2000) Movie Review

Flowers for Algernon (2000) IMDB Prime

Flowers for Algernon movie poster

Any movie that starts with a mouse running through a maze is going to get a good review from me. The movie is of the made for TV variety and is based on the best-selling, award winning 1966 novel of the same name written by Daniel Keyes. This is the second movie made about the book, with the first being Charly in 1968.

The story revolves around an intellectually disabled man who undergoes a surgery to try to make him a genius. Along the journey we see how people interact with our main character Charlie Gordon based on his mental capacity, and Charlie deals with everyone else as his intelligence changes and he understands his past more clearly. Matthew Modine does a nice job in his role as the main character and the supporting characters are good also.. Overall, while this does not have (nor need) a big budget to be successful, the movie is well made.

This is a good family movie and I suggest every teen read the book.

The movie has many maze scenes which is always a good thing for me ! I give it a 6.8/10.

Check out the trailer below which features Algernon in the maze !

Or just go ahead and watch the whole movie at this link on YouTube.

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