connected mazes

30 mazes, each is solvable (many with multiple goals). Solve each maze multiple times by reaching different goals. The goal you arrive at determines the next maze you solve. Can you solve the complete maze consisting of all 30 mazes ?

A Connected Maze Book

A free downloadable book featuring 30 different connected mazes. Can you solve the entire Maze ? Features 3 different types of mazes. Includes a maze map and many possible solutions !

También disponible en Español aqui !

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You’ll notice that Maze A has 2 possible destinations, called B and C. Arrival at either one means you have solved the maze. What is new it that the destination you land on (or choose to land on depending on how things play out) is the NEXT maze you will solve. So landing on B means your next maze to solve is Maze B. Let’s have a look at that maze. The start of any future maze will be the letter of the maze, so START on letter B.

Connected Maze A.png
Connected Maze B.png

Both D and E are possible goals to solve the maze, which again will determine your next maze. You solve each maze as a stand alone if you want, but the goal is to solve the single connected maze made of each individual maze. A maze made of mazes (like the movie Inception but with only 1 layer).

The final maze has the final GOAL. The only way to solve this maze is to solve the previous mazes correctly. So the final maze is challenging and does NOT have an obvious path to reach it, there will be MULTIPLE possible pathways that reach it (but only 1 will reach the goal!). To explain further, if you see a maze with a goal of the final maze…that would be the correct path to take if I did not create multiple ones !!!

Here is Maze C:

Connected Maze C.png

I should also mention there will be 3 different maze types, standard, grid and weaving. You’ll need to solve multiple mazes to reach the GOAL. I hope you enjoy it ! If you do not know what a grid maze or weaving maze, below are examples of each that are part of this connected maze !

A tip to help you solve the total maze - MAKE A MAP. If you download the book above - it includes a portion of the map (the first 10 days) !