Your Highness (2011) Movie Review

It’s been awhile since I reviewed a movie that contains a maze or labyrinth. And there are some great maze movies out there if you were looking for one. But there is also the complete opposite, with a lot of terrible, mostly weak horror movies. So today we will will figure out which movie bucket the 2011 adventure comedy Your Highness fits into.

Your Highness (IMDB) (Amazon)

Your Highness movie poster

Your Highness is an adventure comedy that pairs 2 brothers on a quest to find one of their kidnapped brides. One brother is good looking and does seems to do everything right (James Franco) while the other is a bit lazy (Danny McBride). The comedic portions of the movie are very much similar to other Danny McBride shows/movies so if you enjoy his type of comedy then this is for you. If you are not a fan, this might be something to watch in the background.

So what about the reason you are reviewing this here , you know the mazes ? Well, in the last half of the movie the group comes upon a maze and of course a very excited Minotaur that they must defeat to move on in their quest. It actually becomes one of the funnier parts of the movie punctuated with a nice ending to the scene. Except for the Minotaur. Not a good ending for him.

Overall, this is an average movie made with actors and actresses you know that is fine to watch for free, but is not something you should ever seek out unless you love Danny McBride. I give it a 5/10.