Maze of the year voting 2022

If you are reading this, thank you for visiting my site. I hope you have enjoyed the mazes this year. I switched from doing new daily mazes after 3+ years to do doing a weekly featured maze. This allowed me to spend more time on each maze and make them more complex. Hopefully you see that in the mazes.

So, we are 50 mazes into the year and it is time to vote for your favorite mazes of the year. I cut down the amount that can be voted on to 14 and even made a video of them. Downloads for all the mazes from the year can be found on the homepage.

I use the voting as feedback to see what type of mazes people like and I am always surprised by the votes !

Happy Holidays !

Coming soon:

2 holiday themed mazes to end the year.

A year in review column for the website.

A 2023 outlook for the website.

Announcement of our 2022 maze of the year (thanks for voting !)