Can You Make Art Out of a Rice Field ?

I just did a blog post on Single Line Drawings, which in my opinion could be considered a type of meandering labyrinth. There are some great artists that use this method out there and it is well worth checking out. But then I was browsing my discover feed and probably because of my research I get an article about a guy in Thailand who makes art of cats using rice fields. I will repeat that and bold it so I believe it, a man who makes cat art using rice fields. So in back to back blog posts I have found 2 things that would make a great addition to my list of 13 Unique Types of Art You Need to See to Believe.

Before you read the article, check out the below video showing one of the rice fields. The link on this short video is even better !

The field is located in Chiang Rai, Thailand which is a place you have heard of before (the soccer team in the cave). Also, check out the very unique white temple (Wat Rong Khun) if you are there. Pictures below are from my trip there is 2017. I left out some of the cool surprises you will find there no typical of a temple.

And now for the article from the Bangkok Post about our artistic rice farmer that started this stream of consciousness. If Iowa can make mazes out of corn fields…rice field mazes in Asia ????? Thank you Thunyapong Jaikum for making such joyful art !

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